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Worldwide premiere of the "Sword Of The Witcher" video-clip!

Worldwide premiere of the "Sword Of The Witcher" video-clip!

As announced before VADER's DVD entitled "...And blood was shed in Warsaw" will be released by Metal Mind Productions on 15th October in Europe / 5th November in USA (via MVD). Among bonus features it will also contain a special video-clip for

As announced before VADER's DVD entitled "...And blood was shed in Warsaw" will be released by Metal Mind Productions on 15th October in Europe / 5th November in USA (via MVD). Among bonus features it will also contain a special video-clip for a song "Sword Of The Witcher" which was recorded exclusively for a video game called "The Wicher". World-wide premiere of the clip is today - on the 5th of September!  The video is available online on the Polish website Wirtualna Polska! Both RPG and heavy music lovers should check it out!
You can find the clip here:!

The story of "The Witcher" is based on the very popular fantasy saga by the same title, written by Andrzej Sapkowski - one of the most acclaimed contemporary writers in Poland. It is into his unique world of pervasive magic, bitter conflict and occasional dark humor, that you might be immersed... The game based on BioWare engine, produced in famous motion capture technology, will definitely offer a very special interactive entertainment for all Role Playing Game lovers. Worldwide premiere of "The Witcher" game is set for 26th of October 2007! More info on the game:

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