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Laninia - line-up changes

Laninia - line-up changes

Heavy metal band LaNinia parted ways with their longtime drummer Karol Wiśniewski.


In the official statement they have revealed the name of his succesor.

"Due to the appearance of new priorities in the life of our current drummer, we can officially inform you that we have ended our cooperation with Karol. And as a result, we are forced, despite all our efforts, to cancel the next concerts for which we sincerely apologize. We would like to thank Karol for our time together and wish him good luck for the future. At the same time, we are pleased to present our new drummer. Passionate about music with great sensitivity which perfectly fits into our musical tastes.Ladies and Gents! Tomasz „Demolka” Molka. (None, Black Star,DJ Buhhaj and Demolka). We are starting work on a new album and later this year he will enter the studio to record drum parts for two singles announcing our third album."


"Tyrant" is the band's most recent album. 

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